# Table of contents:

# Introduction

IPG is a command introduced with MSNP6.

It is a Notification Server command, WITH a response payload.

Used to send incoming pages (mobile text messages) to the client. For the command to send text messages to a mobile device, read PAG or PGD.

# Client/Request

This command can not be sent from the client.

# Server/Response

IPG length

Where length is the size (in bytes) of the payload.

Where payload is a <NOTIFICATION> document.

# Examples

# Incoming page

S: IPG 478
<NOTIFICATION id="0" siteid="111100400" siteurl="http://mobile.msn.com/">
    <TO name="example@hotmail.com" pid="0x00000001:0x00000002" email="example@hotmail.com">
        <VIA agent="mobile"/>
    <FROM pid="0x00000001:0x00000002" name="anotheruser@hotmail.com"/>
    <MSG pri="1" id="0">
        <ACTION url="2wayIM.asp"/>
        <SUBSCR url="2wayIM.asp"/>
        <CAT id="110110001"/>
        <BODY lang="1033">
            <TEXT>Hello! I am talking from a mobile device.</TEXT>

# Invalid context

C: IPG 1 0

Server disconnects client.

# Known changes
