# Table of contents:

# Introduction

GCF is a command introduced with MSNP11.

It is a Notification Server command, without a request payload and WITH a response payload.

It gets configuration data from a file on the server.

# Client/Request

Only in MSNP11 and MSNP12.

GCF TrID filename

Where filename is the file to retrieve. Only Shields.xml is known to be this parameter.

# Server/Response

# From filename

GCF TrID filename length

Where length is the size (in bytes) of the payload.

Where payload is the data for this file.

# Asynchronously

GCF 0 length

Being an asynchronous command, the Transaction ID is set to 0.

# Examples

# Downloading shields

For more information read the Shields Configuration Data article.

# By filename

Only in MSNP11 and MSNP12.

C: GCF 1 Shields.xml
S: GCF 1 Shields.xml 145
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><config><shield><cli maj="7" min="0" minbld="0" maxbld="9999" deny=" " /></shield><block></block></config>

# Automatically

Since MSNP13.

C: USR 2 TWN I example@hotmail.com
S: GCF 0 158
<Policies><Policy type="SHIELDS"><config><shield><cli maj="7" min="0" minbld="0" maxbld="9999" deny=" " /></shield><block></block></config><Policy></Policies>
S: USR 2 TWN S passport=parameters,neat=huh,lc=1033,id=507

# By filename after removal

NOTE: I don't know if this is correct.

C: GCF 3 Shields.xml

Server disconnects client.

# Known changes