# Table of contents:
# Introduction
is a command introduced with CVR0.
It is a Dispatch Server command, without either a request or response payload.
Sends the current client information and retrieves the latest available version of the client when there are no other available protocols.
For the version of this command that is sent in the main protocols, read CVR.
# Client/Request
CVQ TrID locale system-type system-ver system-arch requesting-library client-version {client-identification} {user-handle}
Where locale
is a 16-bit hexadecimally encoded LCID. 0x0409
is the LCID for English, United States.
Where system-type
is a string that defines the operating system you are using, such as winnt
Where system-ver
is the major and minor version of the operating system, such as 5.1
Where system-arch
is the architecture of the processor that is used to run the client, usually i386
Where requesting-library
is the name of the library that requested this CVQ, usually MSMSGS
Where client-version
is the current client's major, minor and patch version, should be in the format of "{M}M.m.pppp".
Where client-identification
is the internal name of the codebase used to create requesting-library
, usually MSMSGS
, or an empty parameter.
Added since MSNP4, but is empty until MSNP8.
Where user-handle
is the user's handle. Added since MSNP8.
# Server/Response
CVQ TrID recommended-version recommended-version-2 minimum-allowed-version download-url fallback-url
Where recommended-version
is the current version of the client for this system.
Where recommended-version-2
is (usually) the same as recommended-version
Could possibly be a maximum allowed version? (forced downgrade)
Where minimum-allowed-version
is the lowest version the server considers "safe" to connect with.
If the client's client-version
is lower than the server's minimum-allowed-version
the client should automatically disconnect from the server,
and request an forced upgrade using the binary provided in download-url
Where download-url
is the file to download and open to update this client to recommended-version
Where fallback-url
is the URL the client opens if it failed to download download-url
for any reason.
# Examples
NOTE: This has been line-broken.
Lines beginning with ..
followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.
# Old
Only used in the CVR0 implementation of MSNP2 to MSNP7.
C: CVQ 1 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSMSGS 1.0.0863 MSMSGS
S: CVQ 1 5.0.0537 5.0.0537 1.0.0863
.. http://download.microsoft.com/download/msnmessenger/install/5.0/w98nt42kmexp/en-us/setupdl.exe
.. http://messenger.microsoft.com
Client disconnects from server, since it sees that minimum-allowed
is above it's client-version
# New
C: CVQ 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com
S: CVQ 2 7.0.0813 7.0.0813 6.2.0205
.. http://msgr.dlservice.microsoft.com/download/5/d/9/5d9bb5b2-49c7-4890-94ab-d1d5e44a0e6d/Install_MSN_Messenger.exe
.. http://messenger.msn.com
Client disconnects from server, since it sees that minimum-allowed
is above it's client-version
# Invalid client identification or version
This response may or may not disconnect you.
C: CVQ 3 0x0409 winnt 5.0 i386 MSNMSGR 99.9.9999 MSMSGS
S: 420 3
C: CVQ 4 0x0409 winnt 5.0 i386 YCOMM 0.1.0023 MSMSGS
S: 420 4
# Invalid language ID
C: CVQ 5 0x1111 winnt 5.1 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com
S: 710 5
# Invalid parameters
C: CVQ 6 spaghetti
S: 731 6
Server disconnects client.
# Known changes
- MSNP2: Added a fallback URL parameter to the response (parameter 5).
In CVR0 Only: Changed CVR to CVQ carrying the previous change. - MSNP4: Added a client codebase identification parameter (parameter 7), which is always empty.
- MSNP8: Fixed client codebase identification parameter (parameter 7), is now filled correctly and added a current user parameter (parameter 8).
- Removed in MSNP24.