# Table of contents:

# Introduction

The Contact Sharing Service (SharingService) is a SOAP (XML) Web Service. It was introduced with MSNP13.

It manages the Messenger Service's Allow List (AL), Block List (BL), Reverse List (RL), and Pending List (PL) members.

It's default HTTP URL is http://byrdr.omega.contacts.msn.com/abservice/SharingService.asmx. It's default HTTPS URL is https://byrdr.omega.contacts.msn.com/abservice/SharingService.asmx.

This service requires Passport authentication.

Related: Address Book Service (for Forward List (FL) members).

# Actions

All actions listed have the prefix of http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/.

# Actions that we don't know much about

# Shared Templates

Being based on the Address Book Service, both the request (client) and response (server) use the exact same boilerplate.