Table of contents:


Client Capabilities are a feature introduced with MSNP8 to notify other clients what optional features your client supports.

This was expanded in MSNP16 with Extended Client Capabilities.

Client Capabilities

Since MSNP8.

hexadecimal decimal meaning
0x00000001 1 The user is on a mobile device.
0x00000002 2 The user is on the MSN Desktop client, version 8 or above.
0x00000004 4 The user's client supports receiving written messages in GIF (Graphics Interchange Format).
0x00000008 8 The user's client supports sending and receiving written messages in ISF (Ink Serialized Format).
0x00000010 16 The user has a webcam and is sharing the information that they have one.
0x00000020 32 The user's client supports messages sent over multiple packets.
0x00000040 64 The user can be messaged via their mobile device.
0x00000080 128 The user can be messaged via their Web Watch.
0x00000100 256 ?
0x00000200 512 The user is on a web-based client.
0x00000400 1024 ?
0x00000800 2048 The user is using Microsoft Office Communicator via a cross-platform gateway.
0x00001000 4096 The user has a blog.
0x00002000 8192 The user is using a media center client.
0x00004000 16384 The user's client supports opening a direct connection for instant messaging.
0x00008000 32768 The user's client supports sending and receiving Winks (flash animations).
0x00010000 65536 The user's client supports the shared search feature.
0x00020000 131072 This client is using a provisioned user. (The user is a bot.)
0x00040000 262144 The user's client supports sending and receiving Voice Clips.
0x00080000 524288 The user's client supports encrypted conversations.
0x00100000 1048576 ...
0x00200000 2097152 ...
0x00400000 4194304 The user's client supports sharing folders.
0x00800000 8388608 ...
0x01000000 16777216 ...
0x02000000 33554432 ...
0x04000000 67108864 ...
0x08000000 134217728 ...
0x10000000 268435456 The user's client supports MSNC1. (Client Version 6.0+)
0x20000000 536870912 The user's client supports MSNC2 and below. (Client Version 6.1+)
0x30000000 805306368 The user's client supports MSNC3 and below. (Client Version 6.2+)
0x40000000 1073741824 The user's client supports MSNC4 and below. (Client Version 7.0+)
0x50000000 1342177280 The user's client supports MSNC5 and below. (Client Version 7.5+)
0x60000000 1610612736 The user's client supports MSNC6 and below. (Client Version 8.0+)
0x70000000 1879048192 The user's client supports MSNC7 and below. (Client Version 8.1+)
0x80000000 2147483648 The user's client supports MSNC8 and below. (Client Version 8.5+)
0x90000000 2415919104 The user's client supports MSNC9 and below. (Client Version 9.0+)
0xA0000000 2684354560 The user's client supports MSNC10 and below. (Client Version 14.0+)
0xB0000000 2952790016 The user's client supports MSNC11 and below. (Client Version 14.1+)
0xC0000000 3221225472 The user's client supports MSNC12 and below. (Client Version 15.0+)
0xD0000000 3489660928 The user's client supports MSNC13 and below.
0xE0000000 3758096384 The user's client supports MSNC14 and below.
0xF0000000 4026531840 The user's client supports MSNC15 and below.

Extended Client Capabilities

Since MSNP16.

TODO: this

hexadecimal decimal meaning
0x00000001 1 ...