Table of contents:

Error codes and HRESULTs

The following is a list of all known MSNP error codes and related HRESULT values.
If you know any error that isn't listed, please contact me.

For valid MSNP commands, read the Table of Commands.

MSNP error codes

MSNP ERROR CODE related HRESULT value related HRESULT's name DRAFT name Description / Known reason?
200 N/A N/A ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR Syntax error.
201 0x81000435 MSGR_E_MSNP_INVALID_PARAMETER ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter in command.
204 0x8100037c MSGR_E_UNROUTABLE_USER N/A The network specified for the user is unavailable or does not exist.
205 0x8100030a MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND ERR_INVALID_USER The user is invalid.
206 0x8100030a MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND ERR_FQDN_MISSING The domain name of the user handle is missing.
207 0x81000304 MSGR_E_ALREADY_LOGGED_ON ERR_ALREADY_LOGIN You are already logged in.
208 0x8100030a MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND ERR_INVALID_USERNAME The username of the user handle is invalid.
209 0x81000324 MSGR_E_INVALID_FRIENDLY_NAME ERR_INVALID_FRIENDLY_NAME You cannot use the specified friendly name.
210 0x81000307 MSGR_E_LIST_FULL ERR_LIST_FULL The specified list is full.
212 0x8100030d MSGR_E_UNEXPECTED N/A ?
213 0x81000392 MSGR_E_USER_DOESNT_EXIST N/A ?
215 0x8100030b MSGR_E_ALREADY_IN_LIST ERR_ALREADY_THERE The specified user is already added to that list.
216 0x8100030a MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND ERR_NOT_ON_LIST The specified user is not on any of your lists.
217 0x81000430 MSGR_E_MSNP_NOT_ACCEPTING_IMS N/A The specified user is currently not accepting instant messages.
218 0x01000301 MSGR_S_ALREADY_IN_THE_MODE ERR_ALREADY_IN_THE_MODE You are already in the mode specified.
219 0x81000431 MSGR_E_MSNP_ALREADY_IN_OPPOSITE_LIST ERR_ALREADY_IN_OPPOSITE_LIST The user is in a mutually exclusive list and therefore can not be added to the specified one.
220 0x81000335 MSGR_E_NOT_ACCEPTING_PAGES N/A The specified user is currently not accepting paged messages.
232 0x810003b5 MSGR_E_INVALID_MSISDN N/A The specified mobile number is invalid.
233 0x810003b6 MSGR_E_UNKNOWN_MSISDN N/A The specified mobile number is unknown to the Messenger Service.
234 0x81000439 MSGR_E_MSNP_UNKNOWN_KEITAI_DOMAIN N/A The specified Japanese mobile address has a domain that is unknown to the Messenger Service.
240 0x8100043b MSGR_E_MSNP_INVALID_XML N/A ?
280 0x81000436 MSGR_E_MSNP_SWITCHBOARD_FAILED ERR_SWITCHBOARD_FAILED Internal server error: A Switchboard Server (SB) has failed to negotiate.
302 N/A N/A ERR_NOT_LOGGED_IN You need to log in to perform that action.
400 0x81000376 MSGR_E_ABCH_READ_ONLY N/A Your Address Book is read-only and can not be used.
402 0x81000377 MSGR_E_ABCH_TOO_BUSY N/A The Address Book service is currently too busy.
403 0x81000378 MSGR_E_ABCH_UNAVAILABLE N/A The Address Book service is currently unavailable.
413 0x810003a5 MSGR_E_SUBSCRIPTION_NEEDED N/A A subscription is required to use the feature associated with your command.
416 0x810003c1 MSGR_E_MARKET_DISABLED N/A The feature associated with your command is disabled in your region.
417 0x810003c2 MSGR_E_DISABLED_EVERYWHERE N/A The feature associated with your command is disabled in all regions.
418 0x810003c3 MSGR_E_TRY_AGAIN_LATER N/A The operation failed and you should try again later.
419 0x810003c4 MSGR_E_NO_MARKET_SPECIFIED N/A You have not specified a region, which is required for this feature.
420 0x810003cc MSGR_E_INVITE_REQUIRED N/A You need an invitation to use this version of the Official Client.
500 0x810003a8 MSGR_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER Unspecified internal server error.
501 N/A N/A ERR_DB_SERVER Internal server error: Unspecified database failure.
503 0x80004005 MSGR_E_FAIL / E_FAIL N/A Unspecified failure.
504 0x810003c5 MSGR_E_UPS_UNAVAILABLE N/A ?
505 0x810003c6 MSGR_E_SCS_UNAVAILABLE N/A ?
508 0x81000433 MSGR_E_MSNP_FEDERATED_SERVER_ERROR N/A Unspecified federated service failure.
509 0x81000434 MSGR_E_MSNP_UUM_ERROR N/A ?
510 N/A N/A ERR_FILE_OPERATION Internal server error: A file operation has failed.
511 0x81000603 MSGR_E_PPLATFORM_SERVER_511 N/A ?
520 0x810003a8 MSGR_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC Internal server error: Failed to allocate memory for this operation.
540 0x8100036d MSGR_E_LOCKANDKEY_FAILED N/A The challenge response was incorrect against what the server expected.
600 0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY ERR_SERVER_BUSY The server is too busy to handle this request.
601 0x81000314 MSGR_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ERR_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE The server is unavailable at this time.
602 N/A N/A ERR_PEER_NS_DOWN Internal server error: The peered Notification Server (NS) is offline.
603 N/A N/A ERR_DB_CONNECT Internal server error: Failed to connect to database.
604 N/A N/A ERR_SERVER_GOING_DOWN Internal server error: The server is stopping.
707 N/A N/A ERR_CREATE_CONNECTION Internal server error: Failed to create a connection.
711 N/A N/A ERR_BLOCKING_WRITE Internal server error: A operation has failed because a blocking write operation is occuring.
712 N/A N/A ERR_SESSION_OVERLOAD Internal server error: The server can no longer handle the amount of sessions.
713 N/A N/A ERR_USER_TOO_ACTIVE You are being too active. You have been rate limited.
714 N/A N/A ERR_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS Internal server error: You have too many sessions.
715 0x81000438 MSGR_E_MSNP_NOT_EXPECTED ERR_NOT_EXPECTED Command not expected at that time.
717 N/A N/A ERR_BAD_FRIEND_FILE Internal server error: Your contact list is corrupt.
718 0x8100035a MSGR_E_RESTRICTED_USER N/A ?
726 0x8100037d MSGR_E_USER_FEDERATED N/A The specified user is on a federated network and does not support the operation.
729 0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY N/A ?
800 0x81000398 MSGR_E_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED N/A You are being rate limited.
910 0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY N/A The server is too busy to authenticate your user.
911 0x81000395 MSGR_E_MSNP_911 ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Generic authentication failure.
913 0x8100043c MSGR_E_MSNP_NOT_ALLOWED_WHEN_OFFLINE ERR_NOT_ALLOWED_WHEN_OFFLINE You may not perform that action while appearing offline (hidden) or in semi-offline mode.
917 0x81000327 MSGR_E_INVALID_DOMAIN N/A The domain specified at authentication is invalid.
920 0x81000326 MSGR_E_NOT_ALLOWING_NEW_USERS ERR_NOT_ACCEPTING_NEW_USERS The server is too full and is no longer accepting new authentication requests.
921 0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY N/A The server is too busy to authenticate your user.
922 0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY N/A ?
923 0x81000331 MSGR_E_CHILD_WITHOUT_CONSENT N/A Child account does not have authorization to use the Messenger Service.
924 0x81000336 MSGR_E_EMAIL_PASSPORT_NOT_VALIDATED N/A You need to verify your account before using the Messenger Service.
926 0x81000359 MSGR_E_MANAGED_USER_INVALID_CVR N/A The account's permissions could not be verified.
927 0x8100035a MSGR_E_RESTRICTED_USER N/A The parent or guardian of this account has blocked access of the Messenger Service using this account.
928 0x81000303 MSGR_E_INVALID_PASSWORD N/A The password provided is invalid.
929 0x81000385 MSGR_E_LOCKANDKEY_FAILED_FOR_MCAA N/A The challenge response was incorrect for this MCAA (TODO: What is this?) request.
930 0x8100037b MSGR_E_FEDERATED_DOMAIN N/A This account belongs to a enterprise domain and can not be used on the Messenger Service.
934 0x81000410 MSGR_E_FSS_USER_NO_ACCESS N/A ?

All Messenger HRESULTs

Some of the "First seen in" values may be inaccurate, due to being sourced from the type libraries included with Client Versions 1.0 to 4.7.

HRESULT value HRESULT's name First seen in (version) Description / Known reason?
0x00000000 MSGR_S_OK 1.0.0452 The operation was successful.
0x80004005 MSGR_E_FAIL 1.0.0452 Unspecified failured.
0x81000301 MSGR_E_CONNECT 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000302 MSGR_E_INVALID_SERVER_NAME 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000303 MSGR_E_INVALID_PASSWORD 1.0.0452 The password provided is invalid.
0x81000304 MSGR_E_ALREADY_LOGGED_ON 1.0.0452 You are already logged in.
0x81000305 MSGR_E_SERVER_VERSION 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000306 MSGR_E_LOGON_TIMEOUT 1.0.0452 The login process could not be completed in a reasonable time and has been aborted.
0x81000307 MSGR_E_LIST_FULL 1.0.0452 The specified list is full.
0x81000308 MSGR_E_AI_REJECT 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000309 MSGR_E_AI_REJECT_NOT_INST 1.0.0452 ?
0x8100030a MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND 1.0.0452 The specified user could not be found.
0x8100030b MSGR_E_ALREADY_IN_LIST 1.0.0452 The specified user is already added to that list.
0x8100030c MSGR_E_DISCONNECTED 1.0.0452 You are disconnected.
0x8100030d MSGR_E_UNEXPECTED 1.0.0452 An unexpected error has occured.
0x8100030e MSGR_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY 1.0.0452 The server is too busy to handle this request.
0x8100030f MSGR_E_INVALID_AUTH_PACKAGES 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000310 MSGR_E_NEWER_CLIENT_AVAILABLE 1.0.0452 A newer version of the client is avaliable.
0x81000311 MSGR_E_AI_TIMEOUT 1.0.0452 ?
0x81000312 MSGR_E_CANCEL 1.0.0452 An operation has been cancelled.
0x81000313 MSGR_E_TOO_MANY_MATCHES 1.0.0452 The specified query has too many matches. Try being more specific.
0x81000314 MSGR_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE 1.0.0452 The server is unavaliable.
0x81000315 MSGR_E_LOGON_UI_ACTIVE 1.0.0452 The "Login as..." dialog is open.
0x81000316 MSGR_E_OPTION_UI_ACTIVE 1.0.0452 The "Options" dialog is open.
0x81000317 MSGR_E_CONTACT_UI_ACTIVE 1.0.0452 The "Add a Contact" dialog is open.
0x81000319 MSGR_E_LOGGED_ON 1.0.0863 You are logged in.
0x8100031a MSGR_E_CONNECT_PROXY 1.0.0863 Failed to connect to a proxy.
0x8100031b MSGR_E_PROXY_AUTH 1.0.0863 Failed to authenticate to a proxy.
0x8100031c MSGR_E_PROXY_AUTH_TYPE 1.0.0863 ?
0x8100031d MSGR_E_INVALID_PROXY_NAME 1.0.0863 ?
0x81000320 MSGR_E_NOT_PRIMARY_SERVICE 1.0.0863 ?
0x81000321 MSGR_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS 1.0.0863 ?
0x81000322 MSGR_E_TOO_MANY_MESSAGES 1.0.0863 ?
0x81000323 MSGR_E_REMOTE_LOGIN 1.0.0863 You logged in from another location.
0x81000324 MSGR_E_INVALID_FRIENDLY_NAME 1.0.0863 You cannot use the specified friendly name.
0x81000325 MSGR_E_SESSION_FULL 1.0.0863 ?
0x81000326 MSGR_E_NOT_ALLOWING_NEW_USERS 1.0.0863 The server is too full and is no longer accepting new authentication requests.
0x81000327 MSGR_E_INVALID_DOMAIN 2.0.0085 ?
0x81000328 MSGR_E_TCP_ERROR 2.0.0085 ?
0x81000329 MSGR_E_SESSION_TIMEOUT 2.0.0085 ?
0x8100032c MSGR_E_REVERSE_LIST_FULL 2.1.1047 Your Reverse List (RL) is full.
0x8100032d MSGR_E_SERVER_ERROR 2.1.1047 ?
0x8100032e MSGR_E_SYSTEM_CONFIG 2.1.1047 ?
0x8100032f MSGR_E_NO_DIRECTORY 2.1.1047 ?
0x81000330 MSGR_E_CHILD_WITHOUT_CONSENT 2.2.1053 (Obsolete, use 0x81000331 instead) Child account does not have authorization to use this feature.
0x81000330 MSGR_E_RETRY_SET 3.0.0080 ?
0x81000331 MSGR_E_CHILD_WITHOUT_CONSENT 3.0.0080 Child account does not have authorization to use this feature.
0x81000332 MSGR_E_USER_CANCELLED 3.0.0080 An operation has been cancelled by a user.
0x81000333 MSGR_E_CANCEL_BEFORE_CONNECT 3.0.0080 A connection was cancelled before attempting to open it.
0x81000334 MSGR_E_VOICE_IM_TIMEOUT 3.0.0283 A voice communication has timed out and has been cancelled.
0x81000335 MSGR_E_NOT_ACCEPTING_PAGES 3.0.0283 The specified user is currently not accepting paged messages.
0x81000336 MSGR_E_EMAIL_PASSPORT_NOT_VALIDATED 3.0.0283 You need to verify your account before performing that operation.
0x81000337 MSGR_E_AUDIO_UI_ACTIVE 3.0.0283 The "Audio Tuning Wizard" dialog is open.
0x81000338 MSGR_E_NO_HARDWARE 3.0.0283 You are missing the required hardware for this feature.
0x81000339 MSGR_E_PAGING_UNAVAILABLE 3.0.0283 You cannot page the specified user at this time.
0x8100033a MSGR_E_PHONE_INVALID_NUMBER 3.0.0283 The specified phone number is invalid.
0x8100033b MSGR_E_PHONE_NO_FUNDS 3.0.0283 You need to purchase funds to use the phone service.
0x8100033c MSGR_E_VOICE_NO_ANSWER 3.0.0283 ?
0x8100033d MSGR_E_VOICE_WAVEIN_DEVICE 3.0.0283 ?
0x8100033e MSGR_E_FT_TIMEOUT 3.0.0283 A file transfer has timed out and has been cancelled.
0x8100033f MSGR_E_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG 3.0.0283 A message was specified that was too long.
0x81000340 MSGR_E_VOICE_FIREWALL 3.0.0283 ?
0x81000341 MSGR_E_VOICE_NETCONN 3.0.0283 ?
0x81000342 MSGR_E_PHONE_CIRCUITS_BUSY 3.0.0283 ?
0x81000343 MSGR_E_SERVER_PROTOCOL 3.5.0077 ?
0x81000344 MSGR_E_UNAVAILABLE_VIA_HTTP 3.5.0077 The feature requested is not avaliable via HTTP.
0x81000345 MSGR_E_PHONE_INVALID_PIN 3.5.0077 An invalid PIN was specified when trying to use the phone service.
0x81000347 MSGR_E_SERVER_SHUTDOWN 3.5.0077 The server is shutting down.
0x81000348 MSGR_E_CLIENT_DISALLOWED 3.5.0077 This client is not allowed to use this feature.
0x81000349 MSGR_E_PHONE_CALL_NOT_COMPLETE 3.5.0077 ?
0x8100034a MSGR_E_GROUPS_NOT_ENABLED 4.5.0121 The contact list is currently sorted by status, and not by groups.
0x8100034b MSGR_E_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS 4.5.0121 The specified group already exists.
0x8100034c MSGR_E_TOO_MANY_GROUPS 4.5.0121 You have too many groups.
0x8100034d MSGR_E_GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST 4.5.0121 The specified group does not exist.
0x8100034e MSGR_E_USER_NOT_GROUP_MEMBER 4.5.0121 The specified object is a user, and not a group member.
0x8100034f MSGR_E_GROUP_NAME_TOO_LONG 4.5.0121 The specified name was too long for a group.
0x81000350 MSGR_E_GROUP_NOT_EMPTY 4.5.0121 The operation failed because the group was not empty.
0x81000351 MSGR_E_BAD_GROUP_NAME 4.5.0121 The group name specified is invalid.
0x81000352 MSGR_E_PHONESERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 4.5.0121 The phone service is unavailable at this time.
0x81000353 MSGR_E_CANNOT_RENAME 4.5.0121 You cannot rename the specified object.
0x81000354 MSGR_E_CANNOT_DELETE 4.5.0121 You cannot delete the specified object.
0x81000355 MSGR_E_INVALID_SERVICE 4.5.0121 ?
0x81000356 MSGR_E_POLICY_RESTRICTED 4.6.0071 The operation failed because of an active policy.
0x81000367 MSGR_E_BUSY 4.6.0071 The operation failed because the application was busy.
0x01000301 MSGR_S_ALREADY_IN_THE_MODE 1.0.0863 You are already in the mode specified.
0x01000302 MSGR_S_TRANSFER_SEND_BEGUN 3.0.0283 An outgoing file transfer has started.
0x01000303 MSGR_S_TRANSFER_SEND_FINISHED 3.0.0283 An outgoing file transfer has completed.
0x01000304 MSGR_S_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_BEGUN 3.0.0283 An incoming file transfer has started.
0x01000305 MSGR_S_TRANSFER_RECEIVE_FINISHED 3.0.0283 An incoming file transfer has completed.
0x01000306 MSGR_S_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS 4.5.0121 The group already exists.
HRESULT value HRESULT's name Description / Known reason?
0x80004005 E_FAIL Unspecified failure.
0x00048802 PPCRL_AUTHSTATE_S_AUTHENTICATED_OFFLINE You are logged in, but working offline.
0x00048803 PPCRL_AUTHSTATE_S_AUTHENTICATED_PASSWORD You are logged in using a password.
0x80048810 PPCRL_AUTHREQUIRED_E_PASSWORD Please input your password.
0x80048800 PPCRL_AUTHSTATE_E_UNAUTHENTICATED You are not logged in.
0x80048801 PPCRL_AUTHSTATE_E_EXPIRED Your session has expired. Please log in again.
0x80048820 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_AUTH_SERVER_ERROR Authentication server error.
0x80048821 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_BAD_MEMBER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD Invalid email address or password.
0x80048823 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_PASSWORD_LOCKED_OUT This account's password is disabled and needs to be reset.
0x80048825 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_TOU_CONSENT_REQUIRED You must accept the service's Terms of Use before using this account.
0x80048826 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_FORCE_RENAME_REQUIRED Your account details needs to be revised.
0x80048827 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_REQUIRED Your account's password needs to be changed.
0x8004882a PPCRL_REQUEST_E_PARTNER_NOT_FOUND The authentication partner does not exist. Are you trying to use unmodified Windows Live Messenger 2011 or 2012, by chance?
0x80048831 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_PASSWORD_EXPIRED Your account's password has expired and needs to be changed.
0x80048836 PPCRL_REQUEST_E_EMAIL_VALIDATION_REQUIRED Your account's e-mail address must be verified.
0x80048862 PPCRL_E_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_SERVICE_TOKEN Failed to retrieve the service token.
0x80070002 System Error ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND A file could not be found.
0x80070057 System Error ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters have invalid values.
0x800701f6 System Error HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY The remote HTTP server returned the "502 Bad Gateway" status.
0x80071392 System Error ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS Something is seriously wrong with your installation. Consider uninstalling, rebooting, and re-installing, and then try again.
0x80072ee7 System Error ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED The domain could not be resolved. (Is your client not patched?)
0x80072efd System Error ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT WinHTTP could not connect to the server specified.
0x80072f7d System Error ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CHANNEL_ERROR Any possible secure channel (SSL) error from WinHTTP.