# Table of contents:

# Introduction

RML is a command introduced with MSNP13.

It is a Notification Server command, WITH a request and WITH a response payload.

Removes a user from a list during a session.
For the actions that removes a user from the address book or the membership lists, read either the ABContactDelete article or the DeleteMember article respectively.

# Client/Request

RML TrID length

Where payload is a <ml> document, without any support for whitespace outside of element parameters.

# ml

This element has one optional attribute:

This element optionally supports one or multiple <d> elements, and optionally only one <t> element.

# d

This element has one attribute:

This element contains one or multiple <c> elements.

# c

This element has three attributes:

# t

This element contains one or multiple <c> elements.

# c

This element has two attributes:

# Server/Response

# As a response


No payload is attached in this scenario.

# Asynchronously

RML 0 length

Where payload is a <ml> document, without any support for whitespace outside of element parameters.

# Examples

NOTE: The XML in these examples has been exploded for visibility and formatting reasons.
No whitespace is allowed in RML's payload and the payload size reflects this, and is set to the correct value.

# Normal use

# Remove a user handle

C: RML 1 65
    <d n="hotmail.com">
        <c n="anotheruser" l="1" t="1" />

# Remove a telephone number

C: RML 2 48
        <c n="tel:+15551111222" l="1" />

# No services specified

C: RML 3 9
S: 240 3

# No domain name specified

C: RML 4 16
S: 241 4

# Out of bounds Network ID

C: RML 5 67
    <d n="hotmail.com">
        <c n="anotheruser" l="1" t="256" />
S: 204 5

# You cannot remove from the Reverse List or Pending List

C: RML 6 65
    <d n="hotmail.com">
        <c n="anotheruser" l="8" t="1" />
S: 241 6

# Target user not on that list

C: RML 7 59
    <d n="hotmail.com">
        <c n="ghost" l="1" t="1" />
S: 216 7

# Asynchronous update

S: RML 0 65
    <d n="hotmail.com">
        <c n="anotheruser" l="8" t="1" />

# Known changes