Table of contents:


RMG is a command introduced with MSNP7.

It is a Notification Server command, without either a request or response payload.

Removes all users from a group and the group itself. Replaced with Address Book Service's ABGroupDelete in MSNP13.


RMG TrID group-id

Where group-id is the identification number of the group you would like to remove. With ABCHMigrated: 1, this parameter is instead the GUID of the group you'd like to remove. You cannot remove the "Other Contacts" group (group ID 0).

NOTE: If users are exclusively in the group you remove, THEY WILL BE ALSO REMOVED FROM THE FORWARD LIST (FL).


RMG TrID {list-version} group-id

Where list-version is the new List Version. Removed in MSNP10.


With List Versions

Only in MSNP7 to MSNP9.

Without List Versions

Normal use

C: RMG 1 1
S: RMG 1 256 1

Group doesn't exist yet

C: RMG 2 2
S: 224 2

Can not remove the initial group

C: RMG 3 0
S: 230 3

Can not remove out-of-bounds groups

C: RMG 4 30

Server disconnects client.

With group IDs

Only in MSNP10 with ABCHMigrated: 0.

Normal use

C: RMG 5 1
S: RMG 5 1

Group doesn't exist yet

C: RMG 6 2
S: 224 6

Can not remove the initial group

C: RMG 7 0
S: 230 7

Can not remove out-of-bounds groups

C: RMG 8 30

Server disconnects client.

With group GUIDs

Since MSNP10 with ABCHMigrated: 1.

Normal use

C: RMG 9 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329
S: RMG 9 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329

Group doesn't exist yet

C: RMG 10 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
S: 224 10

Can not remove the initial group

C: RMG 11 d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042
S: 230 11

Can not remove out-of-bounds groups


Server disconnects client.

Command removed

Since MSNP13.

C: RMG 13 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329

Server disconnects client.

Known changes