# Table of contents:
# Introduction
is a command introduced with
It is a Notification Server command, without a request or response payload.
Adds a user to a list. Replaced by ADC in MSNP10.
# Client/Request
ADD TrID [ FL | AL | BL ] user-handle custom-friendly-name {group}
is the relevant user's handle.
is the friendly name of this user you'd like to store in this list.
is the group to add the user to.
Only applies for Forward List (FL). Since
# Server/Response
ADD TrID [ FL | AL | BL | RL ] list-version user-handle custom-friendly-name {group}
If this is an asynchronous use of this command, the Transaction ID (or
) will be set to
is the new List Version.
# Examples
# Normal use
# Without groups
C: ADD 1 FL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
S: ADD 1 FL 256 anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
C: ADD 2 AL anotheruser@hotmail anotheruser@hotmail.com
S: ADD 2 AL 257 anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
# With groups
Since MSNP7.
C: ADD 3 FL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com 0
S: ADD 3 FL 256 anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com 0
C: ADD 4 AL anotheruser@hotmail anotheruser@hotmail.com
S: ADD 4 AL 257 anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
# Invalid handle
C: ADD 5 FL a@b a@b
S: 201 5
# Account not found
C: ADD 6 FL ghost@hotmail.com ghost@hotmail.com
S: 205 6
# Target list is full
C: ADD 7 FL stuffed@hotmail.com stuffed@hotmail.com
S: 210 7
# User already in that list
C: ADD 8 FL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
S: 215 8
# User can not be in both lists
C: ADD 9 BL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
S: 219 9
# Group does not exist
Since MSNP7.
C: ADD 10 FL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com 31
S: 224 10
# You can not add to the Reverse List
C: ADD 11 RL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
Server disconnects client.
# Command removed
Since MSNP10.
C: ADD 12 FL anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com
Server disconnects client.
# Asynchronous update
S: ADD 0 RL 258 anotheruser@hotmail.com anotheruser@hotmail.com